Starting out with a background not in horror, Kubrick is one of the most polarizing movie directors of the last one hundred years, but curiosity spoke to me wondering what pushed him to have such a high status as a horror director.
This comes to me discovering "The Shining," released in 1980; Kubrick took a turn for a dark change from the source material created by Stephen King, with that being upping the body count and creating more dark twists for the characters, with the best example being the best example from the main character of the movie. The directing style of Kubrick mixed with the great source material, allows this movie to stand up even today and has influenced directors all across the film world to use his strategies in their movies. And showing how it worked in Kubrick movies, there is no reason why they would not work in today's movies, no matter the genre. And as Stella Louis writes, "Such a layered approach to narrative structure has represented a challenge to the experimental ambitions of the contemporary horror directors previously mentioned."
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