With the rise of online brands such as Shein or Temu, fast fashion garments are circulating at a record pace. The extreme amount of clothing being produced has also led to a rise in clothes ending up in landfills due to the cheap quality of clothing fast fashion brands produce. According to RoadRunner, “In less than 20 years, the volume of clothing Americans threw away each year doubled” and this trend will continue to increase with fast fashion gaining popularity (RoadRunner). With clothes being made with cheaper materials typically imported, the quality of garments is going down (Bella Kistler). I asked Gilbert Aluga, a 16-year-old who claims to be an avid user of the fast fashion sites, Shein and PandaBuy, his thoughts on the topic. Despite the statistics, Gilbert seems to think the quality of clothing has stayed relatively the same though his opinion may be due to the fact he hasn’t experienced much life with the clothes on his body. Ultimately, clothing quality has gone down and with it, landfills are rising.
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