With the increasing reliance on technology, such development comes hand in hand with the increased reliance on social media and other networking forms. With the increasing reliance on social media comes with a generation most vulnerable to the information and content posted across these pages. Journalist Charlie Beckett emphasizes the "obsession with "trust"," and how it has become evident that individuals should not trust collectively trust the news media in the current age. It is critical to approach any news taken from a single source with a grain of salt, but where now can trustworthy curious minds go for the truth? Beckett highlights that "build[ing] a relationship over time where people have expectations that you will deliver relevant, reliable, and accessible" content in journalism, emphasizing the importance of journalist support. So while trust is difficult to accommodate in the digital world, maybe step away from these big news outlets and take a look at what these collective journalists have to say.
[1 image, 1 link, 2 quotations, 165 words]