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What’s Your News Preference?

When looking at different platforms of social media, it can be said that they are all similar while all being completely different at the same time. I’m fully aware about that not making much sense but let me break it down and explain how that can be true.


Opening up an app like Facebook, you’ll see information about what your friends are doing and have been up to. The same goes for apps like Instagram. This is the tip of the iceberg for what can be similar about these two platforms. The same concept of being able to see what friends and family post on any social media platform is what draws most users into using them in the first place. Every app will offer you something slightly different such as a platform for photos, a platform for videos, and so on.


The biggest similarity amongst all their algorithms to push advertisement and news. The algorithm uses a ranking process and compiles many news articles and “ranks them according to the likelihood of the user clicking the ad.”  Next time you open your social media, you should start paying attention to the types of news articles they are pushing your way. Perhaps it changes views with each platform.


[1 image, 2 links, 1 quotation, 208 words]

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