The endgame of journalism is to assess the facts and promote the truth for an event, no matter how big or small. But at what cost and how does journalism stay true to neutrality? There is no simple answer to this question, yet addressing the “objectivity game with journalists of color”(Mosley) has to stop as it is an unfair way to label these journalists’ work as biased and self-centered. That kind of statement is more than valid in the year 2020 as the voices of colors are not being heard by the general white folks. The hard work these minority journalists put into their craft, once judged on the assumption of being biased, feels discredited, undermined, and dare I say discriminated. Thus an understanding must be reached that both allows the diversity and allows the truth to be expressed in a different “look and sound different. This will feel foreign at first.”(Mosley) But accepting these works will promote more understanding on all sides and allow unity to be achieved, under a friendly and unbiased mind.

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