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2022 Oscars and The Fake News

Hello all! as you might have heard or seen by now there is a lot of news, mems and even fake news circulating the web involving Will Smith and Chris Rock's smack down during the 2022 Oscars. Now i wont go into much detail about what happened, but overall Will Smith had smacked Chris Rock for making fun of Smiths wife for her bald head due to a medical condition called alopecia. The fake news revolving this event that happened during the Oscars is that "Nicole Kidman" was shown in a photo "ghasping in reaction to Smith slapping Rock". As the people who posted this failed to inclde is that the photo of Nicole was taken "hours before" the event of Smith and Rock taking place. With that being said, the fake news that involved Nicole's rection to one of her friends who was nominatted and won an Oscar, just stired up more rumors and problems with the whole situation and caused social media, especially TikTok to start posting and making mems about the event and come up with theories and more out of the pocket theories behind it all. As shocking as it was to see Smith slap Rock, the fake news revolving the situation is making it a bigger problem than what it should be.

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