Lately, the rate of property crime has increased at an alarming rate in Anna, Texas. People who once felt safe enough to leave their car in the driveway are now rethinking that decision, and homeowners are now installing numerous cameras and security systems on their property. When looking at crime rating websites, Anna has an A+ overall crime rating. Even with this crime grade, however, it is still said that “a crime occurs every 2 days 0 hours (on average) in Anna” and “your home is 300% more likely to be robbed with no home security system.” An example of this is how on November 2nd of 2021, Amy Pruitt reported on the Nextdoor app that her car had been broken into on Halloween night. Nothing was stolen, but it was quite obvious that someone had been rummaging around due to misplaced items and a cut on her front passenger seat. Debbie Davis, a homeowner in a neighborhood across the main road from Amy, replied to this post by mentioning that “[she leaves] all outside lights on. [She hopes] that deters criminals from coming to [her] house.” Deborah Bigham, a woman who used to live on the outskirts of the city boundaries, was stunned when she moved to the inner city two years ago because of how often these break-ins occur. "We didn't have a garage at our old house, but I still felt safer there... It's shocking that so many people in this neighborhood leave their cars out in the driveway when there is news of a break-in at least once a month." Deborah mentioned how as soon as she moved into her new house, she immediately installed a security system. It is quite common to drive down the neighborhood streets and see security system signs in everyone’s yards. Additionally, if you were to look very closely, many people have cameras positioned above their garage, pointing at their driveway, as well as a camera on their door or doorbell. Anna used to be a relatively safe place to live, but people have become more and more paranoid the past couple of years. It doesn’t help that Anna is starting to become a much bigger city, with housing rates booming to be a minimum of $400k, and popular businesses and restaurants starting to build within the city limits. This boom is causing tons of people, whether they live here or are just visiting for the stores or food places, to flock to Anna, which, in turn, raises the crime rate.
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