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Ask the Audience

Francesco Zaffarano is editor-in-chief of Will Media. Zaffarano talks about how it is important to talk to the community and see what they are interested in. "The global decline in news interest over the past five years is a stark reminder that media companies are failing to meet the needs of our audiences and consequently failing to build successful business models." I think it is important for journalists to take the time to talk to their community and see what they would like to see. Having that relationship with the community can also bring new people to their outlet. He also talks about how they should not rely only on data. "There's only so much data can do to help us know our audience." Zaffarano also talked about how data can repeat the same patterns because the only people engaging are their current ones and not a new audience. This is why he states that it is important for them to know their community.

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