The President is attempting to offset the consequences of the Russian and Ukrainian war that it has had on the United States. His plan is to release one million barrels of crude oil for 6 months to help ease the price at the gas pump and replace the oil in the world markets that would otherwise come from Russia. This would be a historical event. There hasn't been a withdrawal from the oil reserves like this in forty-six years. Biden stated, "It's by far the largest release of our national reserve in our history to provide a historic amount of supply for a historic amount of time, a six-month bridge to the fall."
The writer's style in this article is straight to the point, including quotes from the President. This perceives the report to be forthright and honest. The authors chose the image of a gas pump above and the high price tag of gas displayed on the sign behind it to help deliver their story. They also included a graph showing the increase in Texas's gas since 2020.
[1 Image, 1 quote, 1 Link, 179 words]