I conducted a chemical test using acid bases; here are the tests performed and their results. The first test used magnesium oxide and potassium chloride; the mixture remained solid when mixed however released CO2. Calcium carbonate was in test two; calcium carbonate released CO2. Test three used sodium carbonate and silver nitrate; the mixture became a different color than the two original compounds becoming a milky white and creating small solid spherical balls in the mix. The fourth test used the most compounds using Sulfuric acid, NaOH, and C20H14O4; the mixture changed color to hot pink. The fifth and final test used solid room temperature iodine; it changed form to a gas state when heated. CO2 is often used in fire extinguishers because of its ability to suffocate a fire. According to EPA, "A number of alternative technologies have been proposed, including carbon dioxide (CO2) systems.".
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