It is never a good idea to scroll through the internet, even something as casual as social media, without thinking about what you are reading. This could lead you to believe false information or to develop a habit of not thinking for yourself.
The Fraser Hall Library and Indiana University East have some tips on what to think about when reading or watching the news.
Main Idea: Thinking about the main idea of an article is important, but it can be taken further. Think about whether it was easy to find or if it even makes sense. Is it supported or cited?
Feelings: How does it make you feel? News should be as informative as possible without any biases. According to the article, "if you're mad, scared, furious or anxious, you will want to investigate the article's claims further." This can be a good or bad thing. Investigating more is always a good idea, but some sources may use this a way to bait you into reading more.
Sources: One of the most important things to look out for. Real news "is written by reporters with degrees in journalism and, often, in the fields in which they write." Always keep an eye of for fake news with questionable sources or lack of sources.
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