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Dallas schools raises minimum wage

As the cost of living continues to rise, we're faced with anxiety as we wonder whether or not we'll sustain ourselves in the future with our current wages. Teachers are usually at the forefront of being underpaid, and honestly do a lot more than we give them credit for. “We need you to support the enthusiasm that makes this work possible by providing us with an income that will allow us to provide for ourselves and our families,” Dallas teacher Katrina Rasmussen said. “The proposed salary increase for returning faculty and staff has not kept pace with the cost of living or the high demands of our profession.” Staffs have asked for an 8% increase, though teachers only got a 6% increase, drivers 11% and counselors 3-11%. As inflation increases, we're stuck in the middle of trying to accommodate ourselves. In a presentation, district officials outlined how else they’ll spend the massive infusion of funds on COVID-19 recovery efforts from the federal pandemic aid. The largest chunk of the money will go toward helping students catch up after months spent in virtual learning.

The article uses reader's rhetoric by incorporating logos by providing statistics and pathos by Katrina Rasmussen asking for support to provide for their families.

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