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Differences with Regional Papers

Newspapers tend to follow a similar format, the big story on the front with smaller stories sprinkled throughout. However that seems to be the case for bigger papers with a more general audience. For smaller, more local, papers the front page story and layout can be a lot smaller and local. For example, The Gazette from Colorado Springs which can be found here

talks about the issue in the Ukraine but it's just a small blurb only a few lines long. The

bigger story is about a skier in the Olympics thats from Colorado. It's a more locally derived story and that works to the papers benefit. With the big headline being "Shiffrin Responds to Hate" it makes it almost impossible to notice the other stories sharing the space. This works though because if the just report the same thing the bigger papers and the news is saying, it wouldn't sell as much. With the local news it's more intriguing for the reader.

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