Comparing both the “Predictions of Journalism 2021,” and “Predictions of Journalism 2022,” both done by NiemanLab, you would see that when asking profound journalists what they predict the new year will bring for journalism, their concerns are pretty similar between the year.

Zizi Papacharissi said, “The year we rebuild the infrastructure of truth,” in the Prediction of Journalism 2021; similarly, Jonas Kaiser said, “Leave fact-checking to the fact-checkers,” in the Prediction of Journalism 2022. Both Papacharissi and Kaiser express their concerns about information being misused to favor a side of an argument. Kaiser said some “cherry-pick information,” emphasizing the importance of reporting the facts as a third party rather than reporting facts while favoring one side over the other.
[1 image, 2 links, 3 quotations, 119 words]