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After I did some investigation with some of my friends & family, I found out that education is a big issue in our community, I found out that people need to change the way of education, they need to evolve the education around the world. My sister-in-law, Mary, sees that if we just changed the way of education everything is going to change. Mary said, "After I've been in the school all these years, I can't say that I learned much as I learned from work." I can really see her point of view because doing things with our hands is better than just learning about them, people can learn about things all the time but not going to understand until they try to do it. Rita asserts, "education not just learning from books or studying, education should be more than that." Why doesn't education evolve from grades/papers and numbers to determination/communication and work?

[154 words, 1 image, 2 quotations, 1 Link]


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