Fake news as we all know it is a growing problem not only in the U.S. but all over the world. The problem with fake news is that it can really effect people like giving them a false sense of hope, misinformation, and it can cause panic and chaos. Today a news article through the 'news.un.org', talking about how the U.N. is pushing forward with trying to prevent fake news and they are coming up with a plan on how to "tackle disinformation, at the request of Ukraine and with widespread-but not universal-support"(news.un.org). With everything that is going on with Ukraine and Russia, a lot of fake news is spreading which is beginning to cause panic and chaos. A big rhetorical device that they are using with fake news specifically with the Ukraine and Russia is pathos because they are trying to scare people and make people feel bad for each country attacking each other.
Cite: “UN's Rights Council Adopts 'Fake News' Resolution, States Urged to Take Tackle Hate Speech | | UN News.” United Nations, United Nations, https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/04/1115412.
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