Has always been the hottest subject in society, Fake news has led to several serious problems in sorting a vast amount of daily information we encounter, Fake news is now more than just misinformation, intentionally misleading, spread in the form of news. Fake news is related not only to the political field but also to business and social issues; therefore, its harm is unlimited and difficult to measure. People who are creating Fake news have the tendency to use Pathos Strategy, using “pathetic appeals wants the audience to feel something: anger or pride or joy or rage or happiness” (Rhetorical Strategies: Building Compelling Arguments ) use words that are meant to exaggerate to stimulate the reader's curiosity and fool people. So readers have to pay more attention whenever they see some eye-catching content and understand the definitions of terms associated with false information “Fake news”, “misinformation, and “disinformation”, according to News: Fake News, Misinformation & Disinformation. Many things have been done to prevent Fake News such as using fact-checking sites which is a modern tool that helps readers to learn how to combat the problem of fake news, misinformation & disinformation.
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