To start, what is fake news? Fake news is a term that defines news stories as being false or having untrue claims and information. In some cases, these stories and events may be propaganda intended to misinform and mislead readers. Social media makes it easy for these stories to quickly spread online.
Strategies for determining if something is “fake news”
There are hundreds of articles, apps, and websites that post news stories and events. Although, determining which of those are credible is crucial. After reading How to Spot Real and Fake News, I was able to find strategies to determine real news from fake. The first strategy was being able to identify the source. Is this a well-known news outlet? If you come across a story from a source that you have never heard of before, do some research! Checking the web address is extremely important. For instance, spelling errors in company names, or strange-sounding extensions like ".infonet" and ".offer," rather than ".com" or ".co.uk," may mean that the source is suspect” (14).

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