Newspapers are designed to have a clean and stylish look with very minimalist designs. Not too crowded, not too busy. They use a lot of white space, which is an important design tool to use because it makes the contents easier to read and creates a balance for other elements used in the design. They also don't use too many colors and only use colors that go well together. The biggest stories of the day are put on the front page along with some information in a column. Photographs are usually on the front, along with a caption, to provide proof of the event or to give a little context. Pictures are a good way for people to try and comprehend what the article is about before reading it. Additionally, it helps people gain an idea of the setting of the story. For example, just from looking at the top photograph, you can tell this news article has something to do with a playground for dogs.
[1 image, 0 quotations, 1 link, 166 words]