Have you ever noticed the differences (color, text, format, information, etc.) in front page news? Well, you should, these differences catch the eye of each county's major audiences. Today’s Front Pages – Freedom Forum show the public different front pages from major counties within their state. One of the front pages is from Danbury, Connecticut "Danbury Delay's Mask Decision" by Julia Perkins; without getting too political, Connecticut is a predominately "blue" state. In this article Perkins states, "as boards of education and health experts debate whether to drop the school mask mandate, they're looking for the "sweet spot" in covid-19 rates", while showing a picture of a nurse helping someone in their car, connecting the emotional response of the majority. Whereas, a predominately "red" sate, like Florida, who's news will connect emotionally with their majority. For example, St. Lucie News Tribute's front page has the first piece on "Florida House Votes to Roll Back Abortion Rights". These two very different states, and newsrooms are similar in connecting emotionally with the political views within their states.
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