There are countless newspapers that report a variety of news, each one having its own different layout and front page stories. Even the biggest newspapers have different stories and layouts, theres not one universal way these newspapers report news. The front page at The New York Times, which is found here
has the front page story focusing on the Ukraine. It takes up the middle of the paper with multiple pictures that compliment the story. They also smaller stories taking up the margin. When reading this paper they leave no room for hesitation about what their main story is. This format exemplifies their slogan right on the front page that says "All the News That's Fit to Print".
Another newspaper giant The Wall Street Journal, which is found here
also has the Ukraine story on the front page. However there are no pictures to compliment it. Instead the biggest picture on the page is a picture of the Team USA hockey team. For someone just glancing the papers it seems like this one focuses more on the Olympics while The New York Times forces on the Ukraine story.
[1 image, 2 links, 1 quotation, 196 words]