Gas prices are on the rise. I asked 3 people how this has affected their daily life.
Maulik Shah says, “I’ve had to bundle my trips to groceries stores so I am getting everything in one trip rather than making multiple trips throughout the week.”
Vinay Patel says, “I have had to use my smaller, more gas efficient car.”
Aneesa Vaidya says, “I have had to pass up on opportunities to hang out with friends who give farther away.”
The rhetoric in these answers is about lifestyle changes that had to be made in order to survive in this new phase of increased gas prices. Their strategy is to use something that people can relate to rather than talking about the actual numbers the gas prices are and exactly how much money they are spending.
Check out this link to find apps that can help you save money so you can get back to hanging with friends!
Works Cited
Patel, Vinay. Personal interview. 16 June 2022.
Shah, Maulik. Personal interview. 16 June 2022.
Vaidya, Aneesa. Personal interview. 16 June 2022.
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