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Gun Rights Expand in New York

With the Supreme Court striking down a New York gun law restricting conceal and carry, gun rights have expanded. I have asked 3 colleagues their thoughts on this decision.

Angie Peyton says, “I do not feel comfortable with this decision. I fear for my life every time I have to go out in public. I do not understand how this decision was made after all the mass shootings we have been through in this country.”

Barbara Collins says, “I am happy with this decision. I feel happy that I can protect myself and my family.”

Jen Greene says, “I am happy with this ruling. To carry a gun is my right given by this country.

Angie uses pathos to talk about her emotions and the fear she is having. Barbara and Jen are using logos to talk about logic of how having a gun on them will allow them to protect themselves as well as be given their right.

Here is how to protect yourself during an active shooting.

[1 image, 1 link, 3 quotes, 169 words]

Works Cited

Collins, Barbara. Personal interview. 24 June 2022.

Greene, Jen. Personal interview. 24 June 2022.

Peyton, Angie. Personal interview. 24 June 2022.


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