Visual rhetoric has been around since the beginning of time.
Modern-day society is built and based upon the signs, symbols, and myths of ancient Egyptian belief systems. The all-seeing eye is an Egyptian god. The all-seeing eye is the iconography that launched religions worldwide; a religious story that has been rebranded for centuries. There is debate over "Christians may have adapted the iconography of the Egyptian goddess Isis nursing her son Horus and applied it to the Virgin Mary nursing her son Jesus. Some Christians also may have conflated stories about the Egyptian god Osiris with the resurrection of Jesus." (Google search)
The left-leaning eye of the Egyptian god represented the dark side of Amun Ra, the moon. Recall Pink Floyd's song "Darkside of the Moon?" The Eye of Ra has a legend of hate and destruction, a symbol born of power, fury, and violence.
The right-leaning eye became known as the Eye of Horus. "The legend behind the Eye of Horus is one of regeneration healing, promoting a more positive symbolism that promises divine intervention and protection from the gods."
Visual rhetoric has been around since the beginning of time. Have you seen God in the signs yet?