According to The Conversation's about page, The Conversation is "a nonprofit, independent news organization dedicated to unlocking the knowledge of experts for the public good." The Conversation's website uses rhetoric to further this statement by presenting themselves as a credible, nigh-academic news source. Firstly, every news article features a sidebar that outlines the credentials of the article's author(s). The sidebar also contains a disclosure statement that outlines any potential conflicts of interest that may have influenced the article. According to The Conversation's editorial guidelines, "Except in exceptional circumstances, we allow authors only to write on subjects about which they have significant research expertise, even if it concerns a topic they are personally passionate about. Potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed." These elements persuade the reader by lending credibility to the article and its authors. Additionally, authors will often cite peer-reviewed academic articles or journals, lending further credibility to their own article. In essence, The Conversation effectively utilizes rhetoric to persuade their readers and present themselves as an educated and credible news source.
[1 image, 2 links, 2 quotations, 173 words]