It is important not to assume what a news article is about just by reading the headline. Often these headlines are meant to seem shocking and grab your attention. It's important to read past the headline before making assumptions about something. The news isn't even fake or made up most of the time. It's just shown in a different way to get a reaction from viewers. Checking the credibility of articles authors is also a way to prove if something is valid. Look into the author by googling them and checking if they are a reputable journalist. Chances are they are not even on the map, making them an unreliable source. Another thing to consider is that "there is such thing as satire" (Kiely, 2016), and most of the time, these satirical sites will be labeled as such. Fake news and misinformation isn't a new thing but is taking the world by storm, with social media being at the forefront.
[1 picture, 1 quotation, 1 link, 160 words]
