Now that we are in 2022, we know exactly how different the press acted with these two presidents. Trump was hated, Biden is praised. However, it was not that clear back in 2020. What was the prediction for Biden press? How would they treat him?
In Predictions for Journalism 2021, C.W. Anderson traces what the press has been focused on in this century. Here, at the turn of the decade, journalists have to make a decision between either (a) representing the range of important political opinion that actually exists, or (b) holding fast to their foundations as enablers of democracy" Either they express public opinion, hating or loving the new president, or advocating for strong democratic processes and action. Personally, I think we have seen both. It depends on the news site and the particular piece of evidence, but I think it is safe to say the public and democracy is being represented in the press today.
Until next time,
good afternoon, good evening, and good night.
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