Everyone is starting to feel the pinch of inflation, from the working class who's doing a double-take at the grocery prices to the wealthy whose investments in the stock market may be tumbling. Obviously, such a major issue is covered extensively by news sites but the partisan leaning of the sites in question often shows through. Let's compare two opinion articles on inflation from CNN and FOX news. In this article, CNN largely focuses on a more positive future focusing on the signs of inflation beginning to ease. The FOX news article on the other hand is much more negative and feels more inflammatory trying to focus on placing the blame for the spiraling inflation at the feet of president Biden almost immediately with it being in the introduction for their article saying "It seems the country has never been so gloomy. Way to go Joe!" I think it's interesting how divergent both in tone and opinion two articles on inflation can be and it just goes to show when it comes to issues related to politics it's hard to find an unbiased opinion. Here are the links to the two articles
1 image, 2 links, 1 quotation, 194 words