By: Jerry Okonkwo

Nowadays, public figures are regularly kept a close eye on by mainstream media. More precisely, mental health issues continue on the rise. Public figures, from my perspective, it’s better kept secure from publicity since everyone's emotional well-being could perhaps undoubtedly remain behind closed doors in good enough condition. As of then, the improved comprehension of those public figures isn't even called into question. Take the issue of Chris Brown’s scandal with Rihanna, for instance. So, the whole issue stamped a fundamental difficulty on Chris Brown’s career, making his most recent album at the time stand out as quite a critical darling. For instance, when challenged about the accusations made, he made a point of saying, “I know my fans gave me a second chance, I think people deserve a second chance.” (MTV) This quotation shows that Chris Brown's track record got severely impacted by the mainstream press brought to exposure his most heinous crimes, potentially posing a threat to his chosen profession.
[1 link, 1 quotation, 1 image, 162 words]