Jesus hanging on the cross is a widely worshiped visual rhetorical image. The Christian bible boasts vast amounts of contextual rhetoric and symbols. Ever been to Catholic mass? The level of architecture, art, symbols, and ritualistic images of the virgin Mary abound. But where did all this come from?
Many debate that the Horus god is really Jesus. Others state it is just Satanists trying to hijack the throne. Nonetheless, no matter what you believe, one thing is for sure...the all seeing eye of Horus outdates Jesus and his constant allusion to the eye's being the Light by thousands of years. The bible has over 44 versus alluding to the eyes. Proverbs 15:3 "the eyes of the Lord are in all places, watching both the good and the bad".
The Bible came along thousands of years after the pyramids and hieroglyphs. The eye of Horus has been remixed, redesigned, and remarketed to the masses since anyone can recall. Marketing companies have used it. Politicians allude to it in modern day society. Celebrities don it constantly on their clothes, videos, and reality tv shows. You see it in art, tattoos, t-shirts and just about anything else you can imagine.
Visual rhetoric origins date back to the Egyptian pyramids and through the centuries has morphed into some believing it hangs on the cross!