After reading Niemlab's Predictions for Journalism 2022, Robert Hernandez's prediction is what stood out to me the most. He believes "Old journalism will be swept away and replaced by newer, younger, more diverse journalism that looks like [his] students''. At first glance I'm already believing his testimony because he is a professor at USC Annenberg. He knows first hand what his students will be journaling about. This generation of journalists is going to be inclusive, accepting, and strive to "be people too" (Lin 1). Not just an author but a member of the community. They're "meaningful and impactful" (Carmenate 1). Journalism is going to become "creative in how they grab attention"(Morris 1). I'm incredibly excited to witness this new wave of journalism. I believe good changes are being made and that we will see a more accepting community in the future because of it.

Hernandez and his students.
[2 images, 2 links, 4 quotes, 149 words]