Robert Fisk was a British journalist who was best known for his coverage of the Middle East.
Fisk was well known for his passionate reporting, his ability to secure access to frequently inaccessible people and places, and his willingness to brave danger to further his work. Three times during the 1990s, Fisk able to interview the al-Qaeda Leader Osama bin Laden. Fisk provided extensive coverage over the Persian Gulf War (1990-91), the Afghanistan War (2001-14), and the Iraq War (2003-11), unlike other journalists Fisk sought out eyewitnesses and did not rely heavily on official sources or as he liked to call it "hotel journalism".
Throughout his time in the Middle East, his reporting and commentary stirred controversy. Many questioned Fisk's impartiality, citing his opposition to the Iraq War and blatant criticism of Israeli and U.S. policies. Most western journalists blindly support the U.S. and Israel, Fisk on the other hand did not making his work almost uniquely objective and unbiased.
Source: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Robert-Fisk