Across the world right now, Journalists are reporting news on the ongoing war in Ukraine. These journalists are risking their lives to report on the invasion of Russians into Ukraine. Matthew Chance in one of these brave reporters broadcasting the invasion and the latest attacks. While broadcasting the latest events in Kyiv, Ukraine, Matthew Chance had to take cover to avoid crossfire. Him and his team were filming when suddenly the sound of guns firing was heard. They immediately had to stop what they were doing and take cover. Shortly after they continued filming from where they were ducking. The fight was about trying to gain control of an airbase behind them. Journalist Matthew Chance stayed calm throughout the entire situation and even helped his fellow film crew members get to safety as well. On CNN, they show Matthew ducking behind a wall in the midst of gunfire, immediately attracting the viewers attention. We do not realize how strong and brave these reporters are for staying in a war zone and continuing to report even though they know anything could happen to them. Even though its known that press are considered civilians, it is still possible for them to get hurt. This March, 3 journalists had been killed in Ukraine. "Three journalists, including a filmmaker, a producer and a Fox News cameraperson, were killed covering the Russian invasion of Ukraine." These journalists continue to risk their lives to broadcast the latest updates for us to stay aware of.
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