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Keeping Quiet for a Medal?

The film Athlete A, directed by Bonnie Cohen, shows the process reporters of The Indianapolis Star as they work to uncover the abuse and molestation occurring within the USA gymnastics team. The investigation started when reporter Marissa Kwiatkowski wanted to know the actions taken when gymnasts reported sexual abuse within the USA gymnastics organization. The reporters were able to uncover reports of over fifty-four staff members. Not a single report was brought to the parent’s acknowledgment of the child that reported the allegation. Kwiatkowski then went to look at the complaint history of the coaches hired to find that USA gymnastics continued to hire coaches and doctors even after being warned of their abusive history at other gyms. In an interview with the President of the USA Gymnastics team, Steve Penny was asked if they ever turn over the reports to the authorities. He responded, “No. We don’t turn over a complaint.” dismissing the problem entirely.

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