"Once we begin to see women as humans with as much right to occupy space. We would have removed the foundation upon which gender-based violence thrives." -Kiki Mordi
A journalist that is a powerhouse of information and setting the record straight is Nkiru (Kiki) Mordi. Mordi is an investigative journalist and filmmaker from Nigeria who got her start in journalism after dropping out of school due to being harassed by one of her professors. Mordi is known for her 2019 BBC documentary Sex for Grades, a documentary exposing sexual assault that takes place in institutions in Nigeria and Ghana. To complete the documentary, Mordi put herself in harm's way by portraying herself as an underaged student. Besides exposing the criminals, Mordi brought awareness to the issue and gave a voice to victims. The documentary caused enough attention that the Nigerian government took immediate action against the institutions. Being a victim herself, Mordi held this documentary near and dear to her heart. Sex for Grades earned a Grammy nomination for its powerful message.
Mordi is more than a journalist, she's an activist. Many of the stories that she covers are to bring awareness to ongoing issues that take place in Nigeria and Ghana. In addition to being a journalist, she spent several years as a radio show host. In 2017, she was the head of the first radio show for women and children in Nigeria. Another documentary that exposed a large issue and gave women voices was Life at the Bay. Life at the Bay covered the stories of the women of Lagos Nigeria and their daily lives. Again, putting herself into the story, Mordi stayed in Lagos Nigeria to interview and speak to the women to show their lives as an everyday struggle.
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