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Living Small

Living small is sometimes seen as slower and more relaxed, whereas living big can be considered as living faster and more stressful. I was able to pick the brain of a small-town homeowner as to why she chooses to live in a smaller town rather than a big city.

Throughout my interview with Stephanie, she continued to reiterate how living in a smaller town has its perks. She goes on to say that living in such a lower populated community everyone grows up knowing everyone, which creates a safer living. Imagine not being able to shop around and select your own electricity provider: well, that is a problem Stephanies faces living in her town. I learned that in some smaller towns depending on the population you are given an electric provider and there are no other options. She says, "I would rather sacrifice paying higher electricity rates to be with my family." According to Stephanie, besides the electricity issue, living in a smaller town is perfect for her because she is simple and does not need a fast-paced living. "Faster may seem fun, living life fast isn't."

[1 image, 187 words, 2 quotes]


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