Louis Theroux is both a documentary filmmaker and a British journalist. He is famous for his documentaries based on lesser-known groups and his interview strategies.
His documentaries are often about minority groups. Some examples are parents who put their kids up for adoption and elderly with planned deaths. I believe this is part of his rhetorical strategies. Naturally, interviewing lesser-known groups sparks curiosity in the audience to want to find out more. But I have also noticed that in his documentary trailers, he asks questions to strengthen this curiosity. In this trailer, he asked, "Is one partner enough?" in his interview on polyamorous relationships.
On his interviewing strategies: According to an article by RadioTimes, Loius Theroux appears socially awkward and nerdy on the outside, yet "is able to unravel the most enigmatic groups" (Ling). He portrays himself as normal and casual to receive trust from his interviewees. This is especially useful for the kinds of people he interviews.
Works Cited:
Kantilaftis, Helen. “Top 12 Most Influential Journalists of Today.” New York Film Academy, New York Film Academy, 7 Oct. 2020, https://www.nyfa.edu/student-resources/top-12-influential-journalists-today/.
Ling, Thomas. “How to Communicate like Louis Theroux.” RadioTimes.com, Immediate Media Company, 18 Nov. 2018, https://www.radiotimes.com/tv/documentaries/how-to-communicate-like-louis-theroux/.
"Louis Theroux's Altered States: Trailer - BBC." YouTubeI, uploaded by BBC, 26 Oct. 2018, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyGttEQWVfA&ab_channel=BBC.
[1 Image, 2 Links, 1 Quote, 158 words]