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News and how it is Communicated to Generations pt 4

Comparing me and my grandmother's media consumption, there is a vast difference between the two of us. For comparison, she is 93 and I am 19 so we are truly very different with our likes and dislikes. She normally watches the Fox news channel because she has time to sit down and watch tv which could not be more different from me. I work two jobs one full-time and one part-time, and I do college on top. I barely have time to do school work, much less watch the news. I do think it is interesting though when she does talk about the news, she will talk about house fires and small floods. Those are things I never hear about because I do not normally watch the local news. I just want something quick that will give me the most important details. If I were to tell my grandma this I think she would truly be appalled because that was not the way she was raised, it really goes to show the differences in how we view media and news.


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