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News Feeds: Facebook or Twitter

Nowadays everyone gets their news off the internet or uses an app, I mean why not it's fast, easy and reliable... right? News feeds can be what's happening in the world and updates from family and friends or other people you follow online. Two of the most common apps that I often hear people use to get their news are Facebook and Twitter, between the two which one is better?

Twitter has great source of information, it has many News channels, like FOX News and CNN, that allow for easy access. Instead of having twenty different news apps Twitter allows it all to be compiled into one, it also allows users to post and see other people's posts. One of the biggest downsides to Twitter how people will react to certain news, people will say some very rude things towards someone or something if they don't agree with it. Because anyone can post on Twitter this can lead to a widespread of misinformation. While there are verified accounts that make it easier to tell whether or not it is true, verified accounts can spread misinformation making more people believe it is true.

Facebook was once super popular but as more social networks were; created, it became primarily used by older people. In terms of news Facebook allows the user to watch the news clips and certain news accounts broadcasts the news. Much like Twitter, Facebook also has verified accounts, making it easier to tell the reliability of the account. Facebook is known for its communities/groups, Twitter also has this feature, but it isn't as well known. Once again misinformation can still be spread across communities but isn't as likely as Twitter is.

Both Facebook and Twitter are meant more for social networking but are still used a news source for people who want to glance at the news but not really be invested in it. The only thing I really have a problem with Twitter is the political correctness and the constant arguments that usually follow. Facebook can give me news but is more outdated and is better for trying to catch up with family members. If I had to choose between the two, I would choose Facebook as it is calmer than Twitter is.


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