In my community, a rising issue is violence in schools. My town has two high schools and a multitude of middle and elementary schools sprinkled amongst the suburbs. Since I’ve graduated from North Forney Highschool, they have had many fights and four lockdowns just this year. The local news station InForney reported on the second lockdown of the school year on December 13th that “North Forney HS on brief lockdown due to report of possible weapon”. The previous year when I attended we experienced one lockdown for a weapon that was accidentally fired in the gym, and we were held in our classrooms until the student responsible was taken into custody and parents were notified. This school year, the school has failed to report multiple incidents to parents and guardians. Emma Green, a senior this year, says that “the school failed to report an incident where an intoxicated man came into [her] classroom with a knife and was escorted off campus to [her] parents.” This type of behavior should of course be reported to parents of the students affected, and she really drove her point with her use of logos when she was interviewed. After being brought up to the board parents were notified, but these students feel they shouldn’t have to fight administration for such unpleasurable events to be reported.
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