According to the Apple app store, Reddit is #1 and Twitter #2 in the news. According to Brandwatch, reddit is a "It is a social platform where users submit posts that other users ‘upvote’ or ‘downvote’ based on if they like it. If a post gets lots of upvotes it moves up the Reddit rankings so that more people can see it." This is a great rhetorical device because it allows viewers to engage with more popular content, and disengage with disliked content. According to Lifewire, Twitter is "an online news and social networking site where people communicate in short messages called tweets" some may consider twitter to be microblogging. Twitter is great because content can be viewed at a glance. Unlike Reddit which can sometimes have long paragraphs. Twitter and Reddit implement very similar devices. They provide entertainment, news, and opinion on their sites. However, Reddit allows a higher word count which allows more information than twitter's limited space. Making it the more effective social media news source.
[1 image, 2 links, 2 quotes, 169 words]