Are there ever moments you wish you could rewind time? Times you just want to be able to take back those mean words, never have that fight, relive powerful moments in your life? In Life is strange, Maxine Caulfield can do just that. This game hits some very important topics, but the biggest one throughout the series seems to be that life is fragile. We all have that want to be able to go back, but at what cost? One of the big points in the game is the representation of LGBTQ+ in it. “It was clear that LGBTQ+ themes were tied into this series’ identity, with it becoming a safe haven for young, queer people hoping to express themselves and explore stories that sympathize with the struggles and trauma that so many of us encounter." (King, Jade. THEGAMER.) This game became a safe haven for those in the LGBTQ+ community to be able to see their own struggles brought up in a relatable way.