As I am sitting here writing on April Fool's Day, I felt it was only appropriate to write a blog about one of my favorite satire news sites, The Onion | America's Finest News Source. Although most people have heard of this page and know their information is bogus, some readers actually believe the outrageous things they say.

This page gets creative and tells false stories based on real life events. Sometimes, such as in the photo above, they focus on controversial events simply to stir up more rumors and aggravation. This post specifically claims "NFL satisfies outraged fans with new overtime rule that both teams win". Without thinking twice about it or fact checking the information, readers will be offended by their post and start to write a bad comment or review. Even though some articles are written to seem like they're true, some articles are obviously fake, such as the one below.

This page is intended to stir up drama and make a few people laugh. At the end of the day, you should always fact check any information you are suspicious of. Fake articles are not always easy to spot. [2 images, 1 link, 1 quotation, 193 words]