Of course, many productions between two different paper companies will release something different that caters to their style. In today's blog post, I will be comparing the two newspapers from today's front pages and the archived front pages.
In Today's News articles, I've watched the reports for almost a week and noticed a consistent layout on their end on how the company produces their articles. The first thing I saw was the overall formatting of the piece. The report looks well put together, and before reading it, I can conclude there are many details included and pictures to help the reader create a picture of what is going on. The page looks well inviting after reading a couple of articles. In the same format, the provided pieces give an exceeding amount of details that are very helpful to the readers and offer other recommended topics that could interest the readers.
I watched their news feed for almost a week in the Archived News Articles and noticed their feed of producement. When picking an article to read, the page does look the same as "Today's News Article." As far as the formatting goes, it does not look inviting or informational when you choose a piece compared to the other cite. When you click on an article, the page seems bland; it doesn't look very informal; it's maybe a couple of pictures, at least one, and a couple of sentences. Most produced papers of this collection only have about four sections of information that contain at least two sentences each versus today's news articles, where it was listed with a full-page full of details. I liked the archived collection because it contains many different groups to choose from and read a topic from. For example, when you first open the website, it has many sections like "Artifacts, Lesson Plans, Videos," and more tools from the website to help read upon a topic that a person could search for.
Works Cited:
forum, freedom archived. NewseumED, 2022, https://newseumed.org/?check_logged_in=1.
forum, freedom. NewseumED, 2022, https://newseumed.org/?check_logged_in=1.
[1 image, 2 links, 1 quotation, 331 words]