In the last few years alone, the United States has seen many devastating events happen from the killing of George Floyd to the shooting of the school in Uvalde, TX. We have been witnessing violence against children, immigrants, and people of color for years now. Overly explicit images, the constant bombarding of information has taken a toll not just on newscasters. Some issues that journalists are facing is not just sharing the news, but sharing the way they deliver the information. According to An Xiao Mina from Nieman Labs, caring about sharing the news isn't enough anymore, there needs to be a care for "how we do the news." Mina is right- we cannot keep expecting for the audience to be able to bear the tragic news we hear almost every day now. There has to be some form of care for the audience.
“Nieman Lab's Predictions for Journalism 2022.” Nieman Lab,

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