A style of newspaper reporting that emphasized sensationalism over facts- Yellow Journalism

Yellow journalism typically refers to sensationalized or biased stories that printed news would portray as objective truth. These stories used self-promotions, oversized graphics, one-sided stories, and multicolumn headlines to lure consumers into their hook. Causing political assaults and possibly the start of the Spanish- American War.
“The Yellow Kid” was used to poke fun at the industry, political, and society figures, was the source of the phrase “yellow journalism.” - MTSU

For Archival Research Paper!
So, it turns out that the internet is not solely responsible for the spread of fake news and salacious topics being spread without proper research and proof. With the invention of the internet and the world wide web, news travels faster than ever. Fake news doesn't just appear out of nowhere. There is always someone behind it looking to gain from the lies they spread. Whether it is monetary or revenge motivated, we are not going to solve the problem unless we reject the sources they originate: the growing online media that provides gossip, slander, and listicles.
As long as we are clicking and reading we are giving these sources money and resources to continue their onslaught - thus they will continue to thrive.
(3 images, 1 quote, 2 links, 223 words)