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Supreme Court Overturns Roe v Wade

With the Supreme Court Overturning Roe V Wade, I asked a few friends their thoughts on this ruling.

John Smith says, “It is disgusting. This forced women with non-viable pregnancies to carry out the full term. Also, foster systems are so full.”

Amanda Wright says, “This is the best thing to happen. Lives are being saved.”

Vicky Bell says, “This is taking away the rights of females everywhere. Additionally, there is already a shortage of baby formula in this country. How can we keep bringing more babies into the world?”

John and Vicky both use the rhetoric of logos to talk about the logic and science behind abortions and how there aren’t enough resources in the US.

Amanda uses the rhetoric of pathos to appeal to the reader’s emotions in regard to saving a baby’s life.

Here is a fund you can donate to, to stop unsafe abortions!

[1 image, 1 link, 3 quotes, 148 words]

Works Cited

Bell, Vicky. Personal interview. 23 June 2022.

Smith, John. Personal interview. 23 June 2022.

Wright, Amanda. Personal interview. 24 June 2022.


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