Here we see two very different front pages from two very different newspapers. The one on top is the LA times paper which has the 5th biggest circulation in the United States. The one on the bottom is the Modesto Bee a much smaller focused on central California The differences can be seen immediately with the LA Times seeming to draw in as many readers as possible with its large scope ranging from domestic events to International crises. The Modesto Bee on the other hand seems to be focusing on the needs of its reader focusing more on smaller-scale local news with a story about a puppy mill taking the lead on its front page. Both newspapers are similar visually having a number of stories on the front page divided into rectangular sections and using images to supplement the article. I will say the LA times feels more aesthetically pleasing with each section having a good amount of space while the Modesto Bees side columns feel cramped and not as stylish as the LA Times. As for why it's so important, and why so much work is put into just one page a good quote from Writix sums it up "It catches the readers' attention and hence editors put much of their time and vigor into deciding which news stories and categories should be put on the most valued page of their publication." You need a way to draw readers to your newspaper, it doesn't matter how good the content is if you never get their attention, and one of the best ways to do this is a strong front page.
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1 Image, 1 Link, 1 Quotation, 271 words