Homelessness is usually a devastating position for someone to be in. Not to mention the individuals that live or frequent the sites these displaced human beings find refuge in. The flooding of the Napa River in California led to a clean-up of a small island located on the river. It also provided the option of relocation to around 30 homeless individuals that occupied that area. The images used in this article worked from a rhetorical standpoint. They piqued my interest; the pile of what looks like used furniture and the beautiful river are not two pictures you would usually see together.
The writer also included a couple of links in their article, one pertaining to a city council meeting about the situation and the other to the continued focus on removing fire and safety hazards in Kennedy Park. This is an area where a small portion of the homeless individuals will most likely move instead of accepting help in the form of shelter beds. “Not everybody really wants assistance, sometimes people want to do their own thing.” Including these links gives the impression the writer has done their research and assists in the notion that they can be seen as trustworthy.
[2 Images, 1 Link, 1 quote, 201 words]