Being a journalist is not an easy job, between having to find your own sources, juggling multiple contacts to find an inkling of a story, and generally not ever being off the clock, the most dangerous part of the job is that journalists have to be out in the field. This means that journalists are open to attack from anyone and anything as they must capture whatever they need to capture on video or picture. Unfortunately this has caused dozens of journalists over the years to die, and one recent example of this occurring is detailed within this Washington Post article, in which covers the deaths of five journalists as a result of the Ukraine war. The article emphasizes the risks journalists take at the start of the article by stating: "At least five journalists — Ukrainian or foreign correspondents — have been killed while attempting to document Russia’s war on Ukraine. Their deaths, in the month since President Vladimir Putin began his invasion, serve to highlight the risks that journalists face as they seek to inform people around the world from the hard-hit conflict zone.". I believe that we should thank journalists more, as without them and their bravery, we wouldn't be able to get untampered footage and photos of what's going on all over the world.
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